Image courtesy UCDC of Engineering

Image courtesy UCDC of Engineering

Here's another way to describe someone like this - an advanced consultant - or a servant. It's synonymous isn't it? When each is exemplified at its peak, they look similar. An exemplary servant, for example, would be one who is focused on helping others to truly help them, which involves a consultative approach to help them effectively solve their problems and develop further into their potential.

You'll notice that the process of the servant-leader mirrors the problem-solving flow of a consultant.

  • Assess to understand the problem and its situation

  • Analyze to gain clarity on the problem

  • Design a solution

  • Implement the solution

  • Re-assess and cycle back through until the problem is solved effectively

What terminology does your position put to this basic framework? A doctor probably says examination, diagnoses, prognosis, therapy, and re-evaluation. A product developer may say market research, design, development, launch, and assessment. A mechanic could say evaluate, identify issues, explore options, resolve. Most positions have a unique way of describing this.

With your field's problem-solving terminology top of mind, who are the best at each phase? And, who are those you admire most as experts AND as all-around human beings? I would guess these individuals are strong in two ways.

One, they are strong in each of the consultative phases. Think about it - there are many great listeners who squander opportunity through inaction. Many others are highly proactive but trail-blaze in poor directions because they're too impatient to read their map. And, we all know one-hit wonders who gave their all, succeeded, turned on auto-pilot and later crashed.

Two, the individuals who came to mind strongly live the consultative framework across different time periods. Sure, they're keen on capturing what their market wants and delivering it many months later. And, they're also likely good in the long-term, having thought out their career development and delivering on their plans to provide for their family the way they need it. But, maybe more importantly, they are sages in moments. Even in abrupt conflict, we admire those who patiently seek to understand others, form responses in their mind, and then thoughtfully address the issues. 

Like great problem-solvers, when we're awake, we're always wrapped-up in the solving cycle. In, fact, it's fundamental to life, as we combat the physical laws of entropy. Every cycle phase matters, but what if we each took action improving our weakest area? We'd probably become more trusted experts and all-around, just better human beings.